Pope Francis and Synodality

In October 2021, Pope Francis launched the Synod on Synodality, a two-year journey of listening and dialogue, which aims to redefine how the Church engages with its members and responds to contemporary challenges.

To Pope Francis, a synodal church is:

  1. A church that journeys together, with all members sharing responsibility for the church’s life and mission.
  2. A church that promotes listening to the diverse voices within the Church. This means creating spaces where people can speak freely and honestly about their experiences, concerns, and hopes, fostering a culture of dialogue and mutual understanding.
  3. A church that favors participation and co-responsibility by promoting the active participation of all its members in decision-making processes. It encourages co-responsibility, where the laity, clergy, and bishops work together, respecting their respective roles and charisms.
  4. A church that has a more decentralized structure, moving away from excessive centralization in the Vatican. He envisions local churches having more autonomy to address their specific needs and contexts.
  5. A mission church that is more responsive to the signs of the times and is better equipped to evangelize and serve humanity.
  6. A church that constantly evaluates and reforms its structures, attitudes, and practices to be more faithful to the Gospel and more effective in its evangelization mission.
  7. A church that practices discernment, which involves prayerfully seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in making decisions. This discernment is communal, involving dialogue and reflection among the entire People of God.

In summary, Pope Francis uses “synodality” to describe a way of being Church that emphasizes walking together, listening, and sharing responsibilities in decision-making. It involves a collaborative and inclusive approach to faith and governance.

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