(First carried in L’Effort camerounais #376, April 2006) Professor Till Forster, a German-born Swiss resident, who teaches at the Institute for Social Anthropology at the University of Basel in Switzerland, …
Author: Martin Jumbam
(First carried as an editorial in L’Effort camerounais # 378, May 2006). “Seventy is the sum of our years, or eighty if we are strong,” sings the Psalmist, before …
On September 14, 1995, His Holiness Pope John Paul II, Servant of the Servants of God, Supreme Pontiff of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, who is today blessing …
The January 1991 issue of Cameroon Life Magazine carried an interview I conducted with Professor Steve Arnold of the Department of Comparative Literature of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, …
Professor Michael Abioseh Porter, was at the time of this interview, the head of English at the Philosophy Department at Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Born and bred in …
Sierra Leonean-born Professor Michael Abioseh Porter of Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA, knew Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon well for having met and interacted with him in Cameroon and outside Cameroon. …
Sierra Leonean-born Professor Michael Abioseh Porter, who knew Cameroon’s Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon very well laments the demise of one of Professor Fonlon’s literary legacies: the internationally renowned …
I re-visit the following interview which I conducted in the late 90s with Sierra Leonean-born Professor Michael Abioseh Porter of Drexel University in Philadelphia in which he talks about the …
In this part of his interview on Cameroonian and African literatures, Professor Abioseh Porter talks about the Fonlon-Nichols Prize, which the African Literature Association (ALA) created to reward excellence in …
In the following interview, conducted in 2006 but which still has its relevance today, Sierra Leonean-born Professor of African literatures, Michael Abioseh Porter of Drexel University in Philadephia, USA, discusses, …