I am a believing, practicing Roman Catholic and, like many people of my faith, I have a favourite prayer method, the “Lectio Divina,” a Latin term for “divine reading” or …
Author: Martin Jumbam
Mention the name Kenjo Jumbam to most Anglophone Cameroonians, who came of secondary-school age in the 80s and 90s, and the reaction would almost always be: “Oh, he is the …
Ngarbuh ! Ngarbuh ! Ngarbuh ! Je t’appelle une, deux, trois fois, Ngarbuh. Trois fois, je hurle ton nom, oh Ngarbuh ! Et toutes les trois fois, seul l’écho de …
Ngarbuh! Ngarbuh! Ngarbuh! Three times I call your name, Ngarbuh. Three times I shout out your name, oh Ngarbuh! But three times only the deep echo of your silence bounces …
A tribute given at his funeral Mass at the Our Lady of Annunciation Parish in Bonamoussadi, Douala, on April 03, 2023. Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord: The Regional …
In continuation of my reflection on the principles of managing people by wandering (walking) around and meeting them at their respective places of work, I remember one of my employees …
Wikipedia tells me that management by wandering (walking) around “refers to a style of business management which involves managers wandering around, in an unstructured manner, through the workplace(s), at random, to …
The Christian Life Community (CLC) is a Catholic lay community that draws its inspiration from the teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and receives spiritual guidance from the members of …
La Communauté de Vie Chrétienne (CVX) est une communauté laïque catholique qui s’inspire des enseignements de Saint Ignace de Loyola, et reçoit un accompagnement spirituel des membres de la Compagnie …
Selon Monseigneur Robert Barron, Evêque du Diocèse de Winona-Rochester aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique, il y a, ou il devrait y avoir, un tempérament pétrinien et un tempérament paulinien dans chaque …