The Christian Life Community (CLC) is a Catholic lay community that draws its inspiration from the teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and receives spiritual guidance from the members of …
Author: Martin Jumbam
La Communauté de Vie Chrétienne (CVX) est une communauté laïque catholique qui s’inspire des enseignements de Saint Ignace de Loyola, et reçoit un accompagnement spirituel des membres de la Compagnie …
Selon Monseigneur Robert Barron, Evêque du Diocèse de Winona-Rochester aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique, il y a, ou il devrait y avoir, un tempérament pétrinien et un tempérament paulinien dans chaque …
(“For when we see a little bird dancing in the middle of the pathway, we know that its drummer is hiding in the nearby bush.” Chinua Achebe from Arrow of …
(A lament for the loss of a star from the Cameroonian flag). Can anyone, please kindly tell me where my star has gone? The star of my identity that once …
“Tout être vivant qui se meut vivra partout où le torrent coulera, et il y aura une grande quantité de poissons; car là où cette eau arrivera, les eaux deviendront …
(In memory of the victims of this senseless war in our land) “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, announcing peace.” Is 52:7. …
(In memory of Christian Cardinal Tumi, the late Emeritus Archbishop of Douala in Cameroon). “Wherever the river flows, every sort of living creature that can multiply shall live, and there …
(First published in August 2016) One of the most challenging things you can do is concentrate on reading a book aboard a bus from Douala to Bamenda in Cameroon, especially …
(First published in the July-September 2021 edition of Summit Magazine) One of my favourite Catholic theologians, Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in the United States of America, …