Viktor Emil Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, author, and Holocaust survivor, says something in one of his books, Man’s Search for Meaning, which I like and latch onto so much: …
Author: Martin Jumbam
A recent story on LinkedIn caught my attention. In it, the author narrates how he had written and published a story in a newspaper in Lagos, Nigeria, featuring a poor …
I recently watched, on the Black Entertainment Television channel (BET), the funeral ceremony of the Great Champ, Muhammad Ali, which took place on June 10, 2016 in his home city …
The other day, I had a pain in my right knee. What started as a small discomfort suddenly took alarming proportions as I could neither walk, nor stand, nor even …
On August 26, 2006, on the twentieth anniversary of Fonlon’s passing, the Archbishop Emeritus of Bamenda, Paul Verdzekov, today of late, reflected on the man Fonlon was as follows: …
(Revised and reproduced from Cameroon Life, Vol. II, N° 7, October 1992, pp.41-43) It’s a rainy and soggy morning in the city of Douala, Cameroon’s economic capital. The day is the 26th; …
I once took my car to a carwash in Small Soppo in Buea. It is conveniently located not far from a bar from where eardrum-bursting music poured out of huge …
Agostinho Antonio Neto, premier président de la République populaire d’Angola, est mort en septembre 1979 à l’âge relativement jeune de 57 ans (1922-1979). Il n’a pas été abattu par la …
Je remarque, en vieillissant, que les doigts de mon esprit atteignent fréquemment les recoins cachés de ma mémoire d’où ils tirent, et font apparaître par intermittence devant mes yeux, les …
L’autre jour, je suis tombé par hasard sur la page FaceBook de Mme Pamela Martin et les vagues de souvenirs ont déferlé sur les rivages de mon esprit, apportant avec …